To help Candlewood focus our prayers and fulfill our responsibility to pray beyond our borders, we are providing these requests. Please join us in praying.


Welcome to Candlewood!

This week is …

Fellowship Week

Our Sunday Gathering meets every other week.

Proverbs 12:22 (ESV) Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD,
but those who act faithfully are his delight.

What a contrast!! We can be a delight to the Lord or we can disgust Him. And our faithfulness can make the difference. The Bible is full of God’s dislike of dishonesty. But there are also lots of verses showing how much He appreciates it when we tell the truth.

Let’s keep that in mind this week as we look for ways to serve each other and to tell the truth about ourselves and especially about Jesus. Without honesty there can be no trust, and without trust, there can be no meaningful relationship. But our desire to be honest gets weak when we’re fearful, so may I make a suggestion? This week, when we’re not occupied with serving each other or with the day to day chores that always need doing, perhaps you’d want to look up some Bible verses that will encourage you to trust God more fully, especially in the areas of life that involve integrity.

Jerry Petersen

You’ll find the location and time of the Gathering as well as times and locations for Community Groups on the What is Candlewood page. Then pray, attend a group, and commit to God’s people, the church.

We hope you will continue to excel in showing love to one another. Phone calls, texts, and emails all go a long way in that regard.

For your convenience, we have a PayPal account for Candlewood so that you can give online. If you would rather send a check, thank you; that avoids the PayPal fee. Send it to:
Candlewood Community Church
23110 State Road 54 #316
Lutz, Fl 33549
Thank you for your faithful gifts.

How to contact us

23110 State Road 54 #316
Lutz, Fl 33549


(813) 956-1541‬