Welcome to Candlewood!
This week is …
Fellowship Week
View our calendar to see what is happening in the life of our church this week.
Our Sunday Gathering meets every other week.
Matthew 8:2b-3a — “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” 3 And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.””
The Bible uses leprosy as an analog for our sinful condition. But when we come to Him in trusting faith, He touches us and makes us clean just as He did with the leper in the passage we studied this past week. I hope you’ll be looking for opportunities this week to not only help each other physically, but to share with someone, if the opportunity arrises, how Jesus touched you and made you clean.
Jerry Petersen
You’ll find the location and time of the Gathering as well as times and locations for Community Groups on the What is Candlewood page. Then pray, attend a group, and commit to God’s people, the church.
We hope you will continue to excel in showing love to one another. Phone calls, texts, and emails all go a long way in that regard.
For your convenience, we have a PayPal account for Candlewood so that you can give online. If you would rather send a check, thank you; that avoids the PayPal fee. Send it to:
Candlewood Community Church
23110 State Road 54 #316
Lutz, Fl 33549
Thank you for your faithful gifts.
How to contact us
23110 State Road 54 #316
Lutz, Fl 33549
(813) 956-1541