Candlewood’s Vision

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)

Our Mission

Candlewood Community Church exists to develop mature Christ followers who bring God into everyday life.

Our Values

Our values express what is deeply important to us and should be observable in all our activities. These values are:


Pursuing both knowledge of and devotion to God’s revelation in the Bible as necessary and sufficient for living a life pleasing to God.


Providing opportunities for relationship building in all our activities.


Sharing real life struggles in the light of God’s amazing grace.


Focusing on needs in the community through personal and corporate activities.

Our Measures

Our measures are the means by which we determine that we are making progress on our vision. If we see people doing these things, we know we are impacting this world for God in line with our vision.


Gather together regularly for worship and spiritual encouragement.


Connect with others locally and globally to share about a relationship with Christ.


Grow through personal and corporate practice of spiritual disciplines.


Serve others in the church, the community, and the world.

Our Strategy


Every other Sunday morning, we gather as one church body at the home of our one of our Elders. We call this The Gathering.

During this time we sing praise songs, pray for one another, hear God’s Word read aloud, split into small groups for Bible discussion, and hear a teaching and challenge from the passage.


During the week leading up to The Gathering, we gather in smaller sized groups in various homes across the greater northern Tampa area.

In our Community Groups, we study the passage that we will be discussing at The Gathering the following week’s. This gives us a chance to study the Word for ourselves, and spend more quality time in a particular passage. We also pray for one another.


The week following The Gathering is called Fellowship Week.

During Fellowship Week, we intentionally prioritize meeting with our neighbors, church family, or other people in our communities. Having a biweekly Gathering and Community Group schedule allows us more margin to spend quality time with the people we are trying to evangelize to and disciple.

How to contact us

23110 State Road 54 #316
Lutz, Fl 33549


(813) 956-1541‬