HAVING TROUBLE SAYING THANKS Ps. 77:11-15 *Key Element_____________________________________________________ EXERCISE #1…v. 10-11…REMEMBER THE DEEDS OF THE LORD… ‘remember’=___________________________________________________ >What has the Lord done in your life? EXERCISE #2…v. 12…MEDITATE ON ALL…
YOUR LIFESTYLE OF PRAISE Ps. 95:1-7 *What is ‘praise’? 1. v. 1-2…DO YOU ACCLAIM HIM? *This is an ________________________ form of praise. >Note the vital words______________________________________________ 2. v. 3-5…WHY PRAISE…
IF GOD IS GOD…THEN Ps. 90:1,2,12,17 *Recounting your life…events…memories… *v. 1-2...A BASIS FOR EVERYTHING…GOD IS GOD! >’our dwelling place’=_____________________________________________ *If this is true, then it demands…. 1. v. 12…WE NEED…
MY MID YEAR REPORT CARD Ps. 112:1-9 *Grade the first 6 months of the year…{ + or - } >v. 2…children______________ >v. 3…wealth/riches____________ >v. 4…dark times______________ >v. 5…good will_______________ >v.…
THE COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT IS OPEN! Ps. 31 *Think…real intimacy is_____________________________________ 1. NOTE THE PROBLEMS AND COMPLAINTS TO GOD… v. 4…ENEMIES… v. 7…INNER CONDITION… v. 9-10…PHYSICAL CONDITION… v. 11…FRIENDS… v. 13…PLOTTING…