We take time to officially dedicate Mike Gibbons as our new lead pastor, and to dedicate the church for the mission and work of God here in Land O' Lakes.…
Everyone in this room will at some point in their lives experience suffering, conflict, anxiety and stress, fear and eventually physical death. In fact, some of you may be experiencing…
HOW TO REALLY PRAY FOR EACH OTHER Ephesians 3:14-21 How do you pray for each other? Is it Level 1 praying or Level 2 praying? v. 16…I pray…
EXCUSES…EXCUSES…WHAT’S YOURS? Exodus 3:10-4:17 Observations regarding sports and the church??? Note The Excuses… 1. v. 11-12…WHO ME?…I AM A NOBODY! *Notice what God says to Moses… 2. v. 13-15…WHAT AUTHORITY…
THE COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT IS OPEN! PS. 31 *Describe real intimacy in a human relationship…in our relationship with God.. *WHAT DOES THE MAN OF GOD COMPLAIN ABOUT? 1. v. 4…HIS ENEMIES……
Candlewood was blessed to have it's members returning from Slovakia give us an update on their trip as well as getting an update from the Conklin's and the Waller's that…
DO I NEED TO KNOW THIS FOR THE TEST!? 1 Chron. 29:14-18 *What curriculum are you learning from? CLASS NOTES… 1. v. 14/16…EVERYTHING COMES FROM GOD… >God is the creator…Rom.…