The Depth of Our Sin

November 15, 2020
Why is it important that we understand the depth of our sinfulness? Pastor Mike will help us explore this essential question and, in the light of that discussion, we celebrate…

God is Not a Liar!

September 6, 2020
Think back to the scene in the Garden when God told the serpent that Eve's descendent would crush the head of the serpent's descendent. That was the first promise of…

The First Death

August 23, 2020
When Adam and Eve first disobeyed, they brought death upon the human race. But humans were not the first to die as a result of sin. Imagine their shock and…
Genesis chapter two covers a lot of territory and there is much we can learn. In this message, Pastor Mike focuses on one aspect in particular — the man and…
This past week several of our Community Groups started to meet (with more coming soon!). Each of them studied the same scripture, Genesis 1:1-25. As we examined this text, it…

God Has You By the Hand

June 21, 2020
God holds us by the right hand. That's true for us as individuals and as a congregation as we explore God's plan in our transition to a house church.